Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF)

Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF)

The GECF is an intergovernmental organisation that provides a framework for exchanging experience and information among its member countries. As the gathering of the world's leading gas exporting countries, the GECF seeks to build a mechanism for a meaningful dialogue between gas producers and consumers in order to improve the stability and security of supply and demand in gas markets around the world. The full-fledged Members of the GECF are: Algeria, Bolivia, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Iran, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Russia, Trinidad and Tobago, UAE and Venezuela. Angola, Azerbaijan, Iraq, Malaysia, Mozambique, Norway, Peru hold the status of Observers. With its current number of member countries, the GECF enjoys a dominant position on global energy markets and among international energy organisations. Together, the GECF member countries represent 72% of the global proven gas reserves, 44% of marketed production, 56% of exports by pipeline and 52% as LNG exports around the world.

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